Warehouse for wheat storage
Wheat is a single crop in a year. The product is picked as per selection. Delivery of material is by rail or by trucks. The procured material is brought into the in-house warehouses for storage until the time for processing. To preserve and retain the quality, it is important to store it in best conditions, so Storage is the prime responsibility of the company. Excellent constructed well-spaced Warehouses at Narasu’s premises are available and used for storage of wheat and wheat products. System Integrated Inventory controls permit the management to plan the production.
The warehouse is the key component of the overall business supply chain. Its primary function is storage of wheat. The Warehouse management systems are integrated into the software of the processing system right from Grain received until delivery for processing. The physical location of the warehouse is suitable to receive goods and products for the eventual discharge for processing.
Warehouse housekeeping planning controls are adhered too for the maintenance of warehouses to preserves the grains from any infestation after it is received. Actively monitored and fumigated to stay safe from cross contamination and infestations of any kind.
The company in-house Warehouses to store 12000 MT of wheat within the premises so entirely within its controls. It also has concreted Silos constructed in a separate location of 10000 MT where the grain is under strict supervision and control practices.
Warehouse for finished products
The warehouse is the key component of the completion of the overall business supply chain. Its function to is to store wheat products. It Serves as an area for final packing The system Inventory control can locate and track a given product within the warehouse to facilitate quick selection and loading for order fulfilment. It is a process of maintaining sufficient amount of product to meet customer demands, at the same time balancing the expense of keeping the product in storage. Inventory can be tracked at any point in time. Goods after processing are sent to the final dispatch warehouse for short time storage for FIFO dispatch.
The physical location of the warehouse is suitable to receive goods after production and keep the products safe until the eventual distribution to consumers, customers and other businesses. It coordinates the incoming goods, the subsequent storage and tracking of the products and finally the distribution of the goods to their respective destination.
Packing and labelling are also the jobs of warehousing. The Packing material is stored under the best proper clean storage measures. Warehouse protects the product against any damage, labelling and tagging and tracking. FIFO (First in First out) management system method is followed for product delivery and is implemented efficiently.